The Yokohama RB03™ tire provides its user with long life, stability and durability for mobile cranes.

The Yokohama RB03™ tire provides its user with long life, stability and durability for mobile cranes.
DetailPF2024 · Veselé Vánoce a Šťastný Nový Rok · Merry Christmas and Happy New Year · Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr · Joyeux Noël et bonne année
DetailWe have the latest printed version of the YOKOHAMA OTR catalogue for the 2023/2024 season
DetailYOKOHAMA-OTR CZECH cordially invites you to an informal friendly event “Vintage in Kuks” on 9th September 2023. We look forward to seeing you
DetailYOKOHAMA RUBBER Co., Ltd.’s strategic initiative and medium-term management plan called YOKOHAMA TRANSFORMATION 2023 (YX2023) has entered the next phase
DetailMounting EM/OTR tyres YOKOHAMA 29.5-25 Y524 L-5 on wheel loader VOLVO L220H. EM/OTR tyre suitable for loaders and dozers.
DetailInvitation to the demonstration event 8 June 2023 – Husovo náměstí 9, Loděnice with the participation of YOKOHAMA-OTR CZECH
DetailYOKOHAMA Rubber Co. has completed the acquisition of all shares in Trelleborg Wheel Systems Holding AB (‘’TWS’’)
DetailThe 24th annual Marokánka demonstration event held on April 20 2023 has been newly moved to the Pamětník sand pit
DetailPremiere of OTR tyre Yokohama 35/65-33 48PR L5 Y524CP in the Czech Republic, mounted on the loader Komatsu WA600-8.